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Call for candidates: Five seats up for election

  • 10/09/2023 9:50 AM
    Message # 13264816

    The Board can use all types of skill sets to run the club. Whether you have computer skills, trade skills, or professional skills, you can make significant contributions to the club.

    The Board has five seats up for election this year. As usual, three Director's terms expire. This year the offices of the President and Vice President are also up for election.

    Duties for these positions are at the end of this email and more details can be found by reading the club Bylaws.

    The current officers are listed in the Directory. The positions held by Wayne Brower, Tyler Cox, Brian Henderson, Clem Ellis along with the vacated President are up for election.


    Besides the sense of accomplishment you will get from being on the Board running this great club, you will receive some financial help. Dues for Officers and Directors are waived during their service on the Board. Board members are reimbursed for expenses incurred in carrying out tasks specific to their duties. This includes mileage reimbursements for travel to the required meetings.

    How to apply

    Please send an email to with your name, the position you are seeking, and a brief biography describing your interests and qualifications. This needs to be in my hands before the November 7th Board meeting. If the eligibility requirements are met, your name will appear on the ballot along with your biography.


    Electronic absentee ballots will be sent out after the November 7th Board meeting. Ballots can be cast in-person before the General Membership Meeting on December 2nd. Votes will be counted and winners announced at that December 2nd meeting. Your term will start with the first Board meeting in January if you win a seat.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I am positive you have skills we can use to make this club even better next year if you enjoy this type of work.


    Bert Schmitz

    Background Information

    Board of Directors

    The Officers of this Club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a nine (9) member Board of Directors who, acting together, shall constitute the Executive Board. They shall be elected by a simple majority vote by ballot of the Members in good standing either present at the December business meeting or by official absentee ballot. They shall hold office for three (3) years or until their successors are elected.

    Duties of Officers and Directors

    The Executive Board shall have general supervision and control of all the activities of the Club.

    Meetings of the Executive Board shall be held monthly, usually the first Tuesday, or at such time and place as the Board may determine. Special meetings may be held at any time on the call of the President or on demand, in writing to the Secretary, by three members of the Executive Board.

    PRESIDENT - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and of the Executive Board.

    VICE-PRESIDENT - The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence or at his request.

    Eligibility Requirements

    Anyone running for the Board must have been a Club member for at least one year and have remained in good standing during their entire membership. All candidates must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board at the November 7th meeting. Board members shall maintain individual membership in the National Rifle Association or Gun Owners of America for their tenure in office.

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