general Range rules
- Always wear ear and eye protection on the ranges.
- Shoot only during daylight hours
- Never use substances such as alcohol or drugs that will impair your ability to safely operate a firearm.
- Shoot only at authorized targets.
- Shoot targets provided by the club
- Shoot paper targets you bring
- Know your target and what is beyond.
- Before shooting make sure that there is no one downrange.
- Before shooting make sure that your target is positioned so that your bullet will strike the backstop after passing through or near the target.
- Shoot only at targets directly in front of you; no firing cross-range
- Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
- Always keep your gun unloaded until ready to use.
- Always keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot.
- Remove the magazine, open the action, unload and set down all firearms during a cease-fire.
- Do NOT handle any firearm or stand at the firing line where firearms are present while others are down range.
- No one under the age of 16 is allowed in any trap house or skeet house
general club Rules
- Responsibility - It is YOUR responsibility to know, understand, and obey all range commands, range rules, and Club policies.
- ID cards - Membership ID Cards must be worn and visible at all times when you are on Club property. You may not loan your ID card to anyone -- if you do, you will be expelled from the Club.
- Membership
- Pay your dues for 2025 by January 1st, 2025. The annual dues amount is $150. Seniors 65 and older as of January 1st pay $75. 100% Military Disabled Veterans pay $75.
- Members who have not renewed by January 31st, 2025 will be dropped from the roster. Anyone dropped for non-payment may rejoin until the end of the year by paying 2x the current dues amount. If you do not rejoin by the end of the year your membership is terminated and cannot be renewed. You must join the club as a new member.
- If you have any change in home address, email address or phone number, please log in and update your contact information.
- Smoking in buildings - Smoking inside buildings is prohibited. This includes the screened porch at the Clubhouse.
- Speed limit - 10mph
- Guests
- Members are allowed to bring guests to the Club.
- After three guest visits, excluding organized shoots, the individual is expected to join the Club before returning
- If you are shooting pistol or rifle, you may bring two guests at a time. They must stay with you, and you must supervise them individually on the firing line. This means you must be within arm’s length of your guest to prevent inappropriate gun handling.
- For Skeet or Trap you may bring up to four guests at a time, since five shooters make up a squad. Again, you must supervise and make sure rules and safety regulations are followed.
- If you want to bring a larger group, you must apply for Board approval so we can arrange for additional safety officers to be present.
- Clean Up
- You are required to remove your targets from the target boards, pick up spent cartridges shotshell hulls before you leave. Buckets are provided for spent shell cases (all metals).
- Anything you use during your visit should be returned to its proper place and ready for use for the next member
- Use the dumpsters for food, large targets, clay target boxes and full trash cans
- Fully automatic firearms - Fully automatic firearms are not allowed on any range.
- Crossbows - You are not allowed to shoot crossbows on Club property.
- Golf carts -- Only licensed drivers are allowed to drive golf carts.
- Handicapped parking - There is handicapped parking beside the benches at the centerfire range and at the utility pit. You must display a state issued handicap parking permit to park there. Others may use these areas to unload guns and gear but then must move their vehicle to an adjacent parking lot.
- Club and clubhouse rental
- Weekends are reserved for our members.
- The Club facilities may be rented during the week with 30 day’s prior written request and Board approval for $3,000/day. Rental of only part of the Club is available for a lesser cost.
- Provisions must be made for an adequate number of Range Safety Officers (RSOs.)
- Renters are responsible for all target fees incurred and for clean-up.