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Skeet and Five Stand

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Eye and Ear protection is REQUIRED

Find out more about the game of skeet from the National Skeet Shooting Association (Copied from the NSSF website.)

Skeet is usually shot with #9, but #8 is often used. Larger shot is not effective for clay target shooting and is prohibited on the skeet fields.  Shot larger (a lower number) than #7½ is prohibited.

Skeet shooters are not to load their shotguns unless they are on a designated shooting station. Actions always remain open otherwise, even when walking to and from the field. Never load more than 2 shells at one time. It is common practice to load 2 shells when shooting skeet.  Skeet shooters are not allowed to shoot at targets that are out of bounds. At Station #8 the target will pass you if you don’t break it quickly. You are not to turn around and shoot at it after it has passed you. This is a serious safety infraction.

Instructions for using our skeet traps are posted in each house.   No one under the age of 16 is permitted in any high house or low house.  If you encounter a problem  STOP.  Do Not try to adjust the trap yourself. Call Mike Hatfield. at 336.589.4108.

Please load the machines gently to avoid cracking the targets. DO NOT DECOCK the skeet traps. Please unplug both cords before you leave. This should stop some of the problems we have had with maintenance. Machines left plugged in are subject to costly damage during thunderstorms.

Clay target fees for skeet are $4/rd (25 targets) for each member and $6/rd (25 targets) for each guest. Remember to log in and pay your fees before you leave.  Be sure to mark your check showing the number of rounds of skeet shot. A round is 25 clays. NOTE: Members will be charged for their non-paying guests' rounds at the current guest rate.

NSSA CERTIFIED SKEET REFEREES: Roger Haney, Mike Hatfield, Ronnie Newton, and Tom Hill.

To use our new LongRANGE wireless target releases for the Five Stand or Skeet field, , watch the videos below. 

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